
There is no need to install anything but Cookiecutter, when it’s done you can use any Cookiecutter template directly from a repository (local, hosted on github, etc..).


This template require a feature only available since cookiecutter==1.1.0 that is not released yet.

The given PIP requirements file in this repository will help you to install the right version until the release is published.

So currently, you will have to install Cookiecutter using the given requirements.txt file in this cookiecutter template repository:

pip install -r

Created projects requirements


If previously you allready have installed Epaster, you don’t have to worry about this.

Although the template itself don’t need anything but Cookiecutter, a project created with this template will requires some libraries to build it and use it:

  • virtualenv;
  • Python development library (commonly known as python-devel);
  • libjpeg;
  • zlib;
  • libfreetype;

The method to install them depends on your plateform :

  • On Linux systems you will install them with your package system like apt-get, see Pillow documentation for Linux;
  • On MacOSX, the recommended way is to use brew utility, see Pillow documentation for OSX;
  • Windows system is not supported, you probably can install needed stuff but with some works on your own;

Also if you need to use a PostgreSQL database instead of the default sqlite3 database, you will need a library to build psycopg2, this library is called libpq.


All created projects are shipped with a README file that contain all necessary details to build it and use it. This will be a simplified procedure with a Makefile command to launch the buildout process.