Common topics around project usage

Additionally to Django a created project is based on many other tools you should know, here are their topics.


Compass is a Ruby tool used to compile SCSS sources in CSS.

By default, a Django project has its SCSS sources in the compass/scss/ directory. The CSS Foundation framework is used as the database.

A recent install of Ruby and Compass is required first for this purpose (see RVM if your system installation is not up to date).

Once installed, you can then compile the sources on demand. Simply go to the compass/ directory and launch this command:

compass compile

When you are working uninterruptedly on the sources, you can simply launch the following command:

compass watch

Compass will monitor the directory of sources and recompile the modified sources automatically.

By default the compass/config.rb configuration file (the equivalent of` in Django) is used. If needed, you can create another one and specify it to Compass in its command (for more details, see the documentation).


rvm is somewhat like what virtualenv is to Python: a virtual environment.

Difference is that it’s intended for parallel installations of different Ruby versions without mixing gems (the Ruby application packages) from all Ruby version. In our scenario, it allows you to install a recent version of Ruby without affecting your system installation.

This is not required, just an usefull tip to know when developing on old systems with outdated packages.


Often, we use webfonts to display icons instead of images, because a webfont is more flexible to use (it can take any size without to re-upload it) and more light on file size. It is also more CSS friendly.

Commonly we use icomoon that is a service to pack a selected set of webfonts to a ZIP archive that you can use to easily embed it in your project.

The first thing is to go on icomoon, create a webfont project and select the needed item from fonts. Then you have a webfont project, you have to download it as a ZIP archive and open it when it’s done.

When you open the archive, you should something like that :

├── demo-files
│   ├── demo.css
│   └── demo.js
├── demo.html
├── fonts
│   ├── icomoon.eot
│   ├── icomoon.svg
│   ├── icomoon.ttf
│   └── icomoon.woff
├── Read Me.txt
├── selection.json
└── style.css

What we need here is the fonts directory because it contains the font we need to put in our project assets, and the style.css file that contain the icons class name map.

So for a created project, first you will copy the fonts directory in project/webapp_statics into your project, there should allready be a fonts directory with a default dummy font that is not really used, you can safely overwrite it.

Now open the style.css from the archive, it should look like this :

@font-face {
        font-family: 'icomoon';
        src:url('fonts/icomoon.eot?#iefixn45w4u') format('embedded-opentype'),
                url('fonts/icomoon.woff?n45w4u') format('woff'),
                url('fonts/icomoon.ttf?n45w4u') format('truetype'),
                url('fonts/icomoon.svg?n45w4u#icomoon') format('svg');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;
[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
        font-family: 'icomoon';
        speak: none;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: normal;
        font-variant: normal;
        text-transform: none;
        line-height: 1;

        /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

.icon-left:before {
        content: "\e622";
.icon-right:before {
        content: "\e623";
.icon-play:before {
        content: "\e62b";

Not that there are two parts, the first with @font-face and [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"], and the second part with some icon class names. Don’t mind about the first part, we allready define it in our SCSS component, just copy the whole second part with all class names for your icons.

Then you will have to fill the class names used in the SCSS components compass/scss/components/_icomoon.scss in your project, search for this pattern at the end of the file :

// Icon list
* HERE GOES THE ICONS FROM THE style.css bundled in the icomoon archive

And put the pasted icon class names after this pattern.

Finally in compass/scss/app.scss search for the line containing @import "components/icomoon"; and uncomment it, now you can compile your SCSS and the webfont icons will be available from your app.css file.

Assets management


In the past, assets management was painful with some projects, because their includes was often divided in many different templates. This causing issues like to update some library or retrieve effective code that was working on some template by inherit.

Also, this often results in pages loading dozen of asset files and sometime much more. This is a really bad behavior because it slows page loading and add useless performance charge on the web server.

This is why we use an asset manager called django-assets which is a subproject of webassets. Firstly read the webassets documentation to understand how is working its Bundle system. Then you can read the django-assets that is only related about Django usage with the settings, templatetags, etc..

How it works

Asset managers generally perform two tasks :

  • Regroup some kind of files together, like regrouping all Javascript files in an unique file;
  • Minimize the file weight with removing useless white spaces to have the code on unique line;

Some asset manager implement this with their own file processor, some other like webassets are just “glue” between the files and another dedicated compiler like yuicompressor.


Asset management is really useful within integration or production environments and so when developing, the manager is generally disabled and the files are never compiled, you can verify this with looking at your page’s source code.

make assets

Project have a make assets command that is useful on integration and production environment to deploy and update your assets in the static/ directory. In fact this command is always required in these environments when you deploy a new update. Also you should never use it on development environment because it can cause you many troubles.

What does this command :

  1. Collecting all static files from your project and installed apps to your settings.STATIC_ROOT directory;
  2. Use django-assets to compile all defined bundles using previously collected files;
  3. Re-collecting static files again to collect the compiled bundle files;

Static files directories

In your file you should see :

STATIC_ROOT = join(PROJECT_PATH, 'static')

It define the front static file directory. But never put yourself a file in this directory, it is reserved for collected files in integration and production environment only.

All static files sources will go in the project/webapp_statics directory, it is defined in the assets mod:

ASSETS_ROOT = join(PROJECT_PATH, 'webapp_statics/')

This way we allways have separated directories for the sources and the compiled files. This is required to never commit compiled files and avoid conflict between development and production.

The rule

Never, ever, put CSS stylesheets in your templates, NEVER. You can forget it, this will go in production and forgeted for a long time, this can be painful for other developers that coming after you. So always add CSS stylesheets by the way of SCSS sources using Compass.

For Javascript code this is different, sometime we need to generate some code using Django templates for some specific cases. But if you use a same Javascript code in more than one template (using inheriting or so), you must move the code to a Javascript file.

Developers should never have to search in templates to change some CSS or Javascript code that is used in more than one page.

Developing application

Sometimes, you will need to develop some new app package or improve them without to embed them within the project.

You have two choices to do that:

  • Use develop buildout variable to simply add your app to the developped apps, your app have to exists at the root of buildout project;
  • Use vcs-extend-develop buildout variable to define a repository URL to the package sources;

Even they have the same base name develop, these two ways are differents:

  • The first one simply add a symbolic link to the package in your Python install without to manage it as an installed eggs, it will be accessible as a Python module installed in the Python virtual environment. This method does not require that your app have a repository or have been published on PyPi;
  • The second one install the targeted package from a given repository instead of a downloaded package from PyPi, it act like an installed eggs but from which you can edit the source and publish to the repository. And so your app name have to be defined in the buildout’s egg variable, buildout will see it in vcs-extend-develop and will not try to install it from PyPi but from the given repository url;

In all ways, your apps is allways a full package structure that mean this is not a simple Python module, but its package structure containing stuff like README file and at the base of the directory then the Python module containing the code. Trying to use a simple Python module as a develop app will not work.

Which one to use and when

  • If you want to develop a new package, it’s often much faster to create its package directory structure at the root of your buildout project then use it within develop. You would move it to vcs-extend-develop when you have published it;
  • If you want to develop an allready published package, you will use vcs-extend-develop with its repository url, this so you will be able to edit it, commit changes then publish it;

Most of Emencia’s apps are allready setted within vcs-extend-develop in the buildout config for development environment (development.cfg) but disabled, just uncomment the needed one.

Take care, an Egg that is installed from a repository url is validated on its version number if defined in the versions.cfg, and so if your develop egg contains a version number less than the one defined in versions.cfg, buildout will try to get the most recent version from PyPi, so allways manage the app version number.


It aims to ease PO translations management between developpers and translation managers.

The PO-Projects client is pre-configured in all created projects but disabled by default. When enabled, its config file is automatically generated (in po_projects.cfg), don’t edit this file because it will be regenerated each time buildout is used.

The principe is that developpers and translators does not have anymore to directly exchange PO files. The developpers update the PO to the translation project on PO-Project webservice, translators update translations on PO-Project service frontend and developpers can get updated PO from the webservice.

To use it, you will have first to enable it in the buildout config, to install the client package, fill the webservice access and buildout part. Then when it’s done, you have to create a project on PO-Project webservice using its frontend, then each required language for translation using the same locale names that the ones defined in the project settings.

There is only two available actions from the client :

Push action

The push action role is to send updated PO (from Django extracts) from the project to the PO-Project webservice.

Technically, the client will archive the locale directory into a tarball then send it to the webservice, that will use it to update its stored PO for each defined locales.

Common way is (from the root of your project):

cd project
django-instance makemessages -a
cd ..
po_projects push
Pull action

The pull action role is to get the updated translations from the webservice and install into the project.

Technically, the client will download a tarball of the latest locale translations from the webservice and deploy it to your project, note that it will totally overwrite the project’s locale directory.

Common way is (from the root of your project):

po_projects pull

Then reload your webserver.

Note that the client does not manage your repository, each time you change your PO files (from Django makemessages action or pull client action) you still have to commit them.


The Gestus client is pre-configured in all created projects, its config file is automatically generated (in gestus.cfg), don’t edit it because it will be regenerated each time buildout is used.

You can register your environment with the following command :

gestus register

Remember this should only be used in integration or production environment and you will have to fill a correct accounts in the EXTRANET part.

Dr Dump

Dr Dump is an utility to help you to dump and load datas from your Django project’s apps. It does not have any command line interface, just a buildout recipe (emencia-recipe-drdump) that will generate some bash scripts (datadump and dataload) in your bin directory so you can use them directly to dump your data into a dumps directory.

If the recipe is enabled in your buildout config (this is the default behavior), its bash scripts will be generated again each time you invoke a buildout.

Buildout will probably remove your dumps directory each time it re-install Dr Dump and Dr Dump itself will overwrite your dumped data files each time you invoke it dump script. So remember backup your dumps before doing this.

Note that Dr Dump can only manage app that it allready know in the used map, if you have some other packaged app or project’s app that is not defined in the map you want to use, you have two choices :

  • Ask to a repository manager of Dr Dump to add your apps, for some exotic or uncommon apps it will probably be refused;
  • Download the map from the repository, embed it in your buildout project and give its path into the dependancies_map recipe variable so it will use it.

The second one is the most easy and flexible, but you will have to manage yourself the map to keep it up-to-date with the original one.