
There is no need to install anything but Cookiecutter, when it’s done you can use any Cookiecutter templates directly from a repository (local, hosted on github, etc..):

pip install cookiecutter

It’s done.

Created projects requirements

Although the project template don’t need anything but Cookiecutter, a created project will requires pip, virtualenv and some libraries to install it.

There is the required Basic development libraries and some optional other ones for some tasks. Note that package name can differ depending from your system.

  • python-dev;
  • gettext;
  • gcc;
  • make;
  • libjpeg;
  • zlib;
  • libfreetype;
For Postgresql driver (psycopg2)
  • libpq;
For Mysql driver
  • libmysqlclient-dev;
For M2Crypto
  • swig;
For Graphviz
  • graphviz;
  • libgraphviz-dev;
  • graphviz-dev;

The method to install system packages depends on your plateform:

  • On Linux systems you will install them with your package system like apt, see Pillow documentation for Linux;
  • On MacOSX, the recommended way is to use brew utility, see Pillow documentation for OSX;
  • Windows system is not supported, you probably can install needed stuff but with some works on your own;


All created projects are shipped with a README file that should contains all necessary details to build it and use it. This will be a simplified procedure with a Makefile command to launch the buildout process.